Terzago Macchine S.r.l.
Terzago Macchine S.r.l. is a firm that since 1905 operate in the sector of the projecting and construction of Machinery for the processing of the stone materials.
The lines of product Terzago Macchine S.r.l. are diversified in bridge saws and lines for processing Marble, Granite and Natural Stones that can satisfy the demands both of the artisan and of the specia-lized firm in the realization of proper specific products.
The points of strength are the relia-bility that derives from the constructive gene-rosity and from the structure that is always rea-lized in CAST IRON of high quality; the simpli-city of use that makes her docile, precise and of easy management; the state of the art systems of control with electronic equipments; it is always possible to customize any machine as for single demands of every client.
Thanks to our organization Terzago Macchine S.r.l. is able to furnish also the maintenance spare for the Machinery TERZAGO built long time ago.
Using as a guarantee of the reliability of all the products a qualitative methodology together with rational planning, generosity of construction, high quality components and ease of use allowed the brand
Terzago Macchine S.r.l.
to acquire prestige by selling and installing more than 15,000 machines in the world today.

Electronic Bridge Saw PRATIKA model
Electronic bridge saw PRATIKA model
Maximum disc.725

Electronic Bridge Saw RAPIDA Model
Electronic bridge saw RAPIDA model
Maximum disc 850
Used / completely overhauled machine

T30S giant blade 3mt
Giant blade 3mt on rails
Cut of blocks on the floor
Motor 92Kw controlled by INVERTER
Good for the cut of soft materials (Marbles) or hard (Granites)

F35S T.G.M.
Manual hydraulic sawing machine
Tiltable head for 45 ° cuts
Completely overhauled