Terzago Macchine S.r.l.
Via San Rocco, 12
24060 Solto Collina (Bg) Italy
Terzago Macchine S.r.L | terzago@terzago.it | Tel. +39 035 986717 - Fax +39 035 986600 |
Operator | Type in the 9 key | |
Support | Type in the 1 key | |
Spare Parts Office | terzagoricambi@terzago.it | Type in the 2 key Direct Numbers - Tel. +39 035 986040 - Fax +39 035 986600 |
Commercial Office | terzagocommerciale@terzago.it | type in the 3 key |
Purchasing Office | terzagoacquisti@terzago.it | Type in the 4 key |
Technical Office | tecnico@terzago.it | Type in the 5 key |
Accounting | contabilita@terzago.it | Type in the 6 key |
Other Contacts | ||
Technical Assistance | postvendita@terzago.it | |
After Sale | postvendita@terzago.it |